Device Type: desktop

Vonage Accessibility Statement


If you have a disability and you need help to get the most out of your regular telephone we can be contacted at [email protected] about access features that can be made available to help you stay in touch using your phone and which can help you manage your phone service including paying your bills. We may not be able to offer access features ourselves but we will certainly point you in the right direction by explaining what features are available, any applicable pricing and how they can be set up whether through us or your underlying mobile or fixed line provider.

If you can't speak or hear on your phone the Next Generation Text Service could be of help to you. Next Generation Text Service consists of a group of relay assistants waiting to relay phone conversations between a text-user and a phone-user. When making a phone call a text-user 'talks' by typing to the relay assistant who speaks their words to the phone-user, and then the relay assistant types the phone-user's spoken reply to the text-user.

We don't offer text relay services ourselves but if you visit the Next Generation Text Service site you can find out how text relay works and the devices it operates on.

If you are unable to access directory information, let us know by contacting us at [email protected] and we can arrange for the supply of directory information to you in a form that you can use.

If you have a fault with your Vonage service let us know by contacting us at [email protected] and we'll prioritise your fault and get it fixed as quickly as we can.

If you need assistance in managing your bills, you can at no cost provide us with details of a nominee to whom we can send your bills and who we can contact to establish why a bill may not have been paid. Your nominee may pay your bill on your behalf provided we receive your nominee's consent to acting in such a capacity, it being understood that your nominee accepts no liability to pay your bills.

If you are blind or otherwise visually impaired, upon request we can arrange to make available to you, free of charge, and in an acceptable format our terms of service, contract documentation, any of our codes on our Legal Pages and any bill relating to your use of our telephony services. An acceptable format would, consist of print large enough for you to read, Braille, audio file or, where available, an electronic format appropriate to your reasonable needs.

We are committed to ensuring that the content on our website is available and accessible to all our customers and visitors, particularly customers and visitors with disabilities.

If you need help in understanding how you can change your computer, mobile phone, tablet or web browser to improve access to our website we recommend that you visit the BBC's site for an explanation of the accessibility options available to you and how you can make changes to your computer, mobile phone, tablet or web browser.

If you have any difficulties or questions about how to access our services or website let us know by contacting us at [email protected] and we'll help you get the best out of your telephone service and our website. If you have difficulty contacting us yourself, a family member or friend of yours can contact us about how we can help with information about disability facilities. Our customer service staff are well equipped to help.

Version: 12th September 2018